Thursday, March 26, 2009

Paris Solo

It was my day to be alone in Paris while Lizzie explores the great wilds of Disneyland Paris. I left the hotel at about 10 AM, about 30 minutes after Lizzie. My first stop was the Pere LachaiseCemetery . I wasn't alone by any means, as there were tons of tourists there, but we were spread out all over the place. People of all ages came to the Cemetery. Older people in the 60s were walking around in tour groups and busloads of foreign tourists bumped around the cobblestone streets looking for their "favorite" graves.

The main map of the cemetery was easy to read. All of the"permanent residents" that were of note were alphabetized and numbered accordingly. The map that was handed out was not at all the same. It was blocked off by neighborhood and numbered individually. So, there were over 25 #1s. I had to go around circling the numbers I was interested in seeing. It was a total pain. But, I love cemeteries... so I suffered in silence (pardon the pun).

The cemetery has a ton of cobblestone. Over time, the gaps have significantly widened and the stones have raised themselves in places. True to form.... I tripped. A lot.

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