Monday, March 23, 2009

London pop culture slam

Sunday afternoon was spent in pursuit of pop culture photo ops. We started out the day early, on the bus out to Tufnell Park in Islington. There used to be a show on the BBC a number of years ago called "Spaced," with Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson (pre-Shaun of the Dead days), and Emma wanted to see the house that was used in the show. After a bit of a walk we found the house. No sighting of Colin the dog...

Then on to Abbey Road, the official Mecca pilgrimage of Beatle fans. Yes, I walked the walk. I didn't get to Liverpool this trip, so a photo of the famous crosswalk was a must. People who live in the area must seriously hate tourists, beause fans will bring traffic to a screeching halt to get a coveted photo-- and it is a very busy intersection. There is a white wall outside Abbey Road Studios where fans write brief messages, or just their names.

We too left our mark:

Afterwards we tried to go to the Orangery at Kensington Palace for afternoon tea, but we hadn't reckoned that Sunday was Mothering Day in the UK, so the line was out the door. On to Harrod's then... I'll let Emma cover that one. Let's just say some pounds were spent.



mommie dearest said...

Just realized today is your last day in London and that tomorrow it is on to Paris....say Hi to Euro Mickey for all of us!

mommie dearest said...

Me thinks that the Abbey Road pic will make one cousin crazy jealous!!!

Library Girls Travel said...

Yeah, well, I wrote his name on the wall and took a pic of it. I am the world's nicest cousin.