There were some cute boys that I saw walking around that I was going to take pictures of, but I couldn't get my camera out fast enough. I was too slow. Believe me, there are tons of cute boys here! lol And Nick, sorry man, I tried to stalk the cutest fella there so I could show you a picture, but he ran off. Here are some funny things that I saw at the Waitrose. Pictures at the supermarket make me an odd duck, but I know everyone will take something different away from them. I love the cereal box. It's so dirty! It even advertises it's "Nutty!"
The food stuffs on sale, I saw today. Can anyone tell me exactly what a Faggot is in the context of this ready-to-eat food? I know what Mash is... but faggots?
One of my new food loves here is Jaffa Cakes. They are cookie sized cakes with a light orangey goo covered in chocolate. I love them. A lot. Enough that I went to the Waitrose and took advantage of the "buy 2 get 1 free" deal. They're only a $1.15 apiece. If you live near me (and if I have any left), I'll be happy to share some of my nom nom cakes with you. Well, it's late and we have another day of fun at Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey (Best. Abbey Ever!)and possibly a show. We were too late for Billy Elliott tickets that were cheap, so we're looking to see another show. I'm thinking that I want to suggest Avenue Q or Wicked. *shrug*, we'll see what happens! Until later!
Awe! London baby!!!! I'll watch the episode in London and u watch cheers and miss the states... K?!?! If it makes u feel better I totally bit it leaving lizzies house today!!!!!!!
Ohhh, approval. I'm an idiot. :) When/Why did you change that?
Ah, those "nutty" Brits! I think if I were there I'd spend all my depreciating dollars on cereal boxes which differ from our domestic versions. Your orange cake things are better purchases, I'm sure...
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