After lunch, since we hadn't quite had enough of torture and decapitation, headed up to Tower Hill, which is apart and completely separate from the Tower, to find the memorial marking the spot where the gallows once stood. Here is a photo:
Then we took the Tube to the Leicester Square/Piccadilly Circus area to check out the uber touristy part of London. These photos are for you, Posh:
And because Disney losers know no shame, we visited the Disney Store at Covent Garden. Emma was able to use her (now invalid) ID card to get 20% off. Payback's a bitch.
Wandering around Covent Garden (which is a very nice outdoor covered shopping complex) we found an adorable little cupcake shop.
Posh, again, these photos are for you.
Sadly, the cupcakes did not live up to the hype... Sprinkles they were not.
One more thing-- and you may want to file this under "too much information"--I had my first run-in with a European squat-style toilet. It was not cool, not cool at all. But let me just say that finding a public restroom here is like searching for gold at the end of the rainbow. I am in a constant state of having to pee. So when I encountered this toilet (IN A McDONALDS) I really had no choice...
Dear Mommy,
I found grand mommie dearest's cell phone and tried to send you a message but it bounced back as not a valid number, are you hiding from me? Maybe it's because I don't have any thumbs so now I have sneaked on to the computer..the keys are bigger. Where are you? I am alone and starving. The smaller one is starting to look mighty tasty!!!
PS I left you a surprise in the toilet bowl...I am not at all sure I approve of those funny English toilets. Giz
I think before the phone number you have to enter the country code 011 44 (then number). Probably kinda pricey to send international, just so ya know. Also, sometimes my phone works, sometimes it doesn't Worked very well in Central London yesterday, not at all at the flat :(
I totally was gonna email you and ask if u had come across any good shopping!!! Gap and cupcakes!!! Loving all the pix. Is there starbucks around there? Just wondering....
Hello Posh! Yes, there are Starbucks here. My radar goes off for them! There's actually a beautiful Starbucks in our neighborhood. Girl... if there's a Starbucks in the area.... I'll find it!
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