Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday photos

Up early again. Bleg. We were planning having breakfast at a joint that I saw on DDD. I was dying to try their Amaretto French Toast), but instead we're going to try Voodoo Doughnut again. None of us are exceptionally hungry, and time is a factor this morning.

Here are a few pics from yesterday:

Joint that we found near Mt. Shasta. Bwahahahahaha!

Weed. they had a whole souvenir shop with T-shirts that said "I *heart*Weed." Funny Stuff.

A light dustin. We put the chains on (...OK, we got some help with that), and then took them off pretty quickly when it became apparent they weren't necessary.

View of downtown Portland from our hotel.

Powell's = happiness

Super awesome books I bought @ Powell's

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