Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Europe Planning in full swing

Truth be told, Lizzie is a planner. She is an excellent planner. In fact, she's SO good that London is planned out and I'm in charge of France. This also includes me boning up on my Francaise. This isn't so bad as I have a knack for languages and I can pick it up again quickly. I have a few months... so I can listen in the car and immerse. If I had some fat duckets, I would totally get Rosetta Stone. For now, I have the library wares that I can get for no duckets. :)

We have a colleague that has traveled to London recently and is willing to give us some advice and pointers. We recently found out that he is a true Anglophile (who knew?!?) and went only a few weeks ago. Luckily, he is willing to talk to us about getting around London. I am blessed with the gift of direction, so I'll be studying the tube maps (I love maps!). I'm not saying that Lizzie isn't... but since she's done so much good work with the itinerary, the least I can do is to make sure that I can get us around to those places she's worked so hard to research!

Lizzie has also found some choice flights that take us into Heathrow and out of Charles de Gaulle for only $610 per person round trip! I love that price. It's on American Airlines. If anyone has any opinions on a TransAtlantic flight through them, definitely share what you know with us!

We're planning on staying at the Hamlet UK. They are the most adoreable apartments complete with a kitchen AND a washer and dryer. Thank God I can do laundry! My luggage won't smell as foul when I get back to the states! Also... I'm clumsy and drop food on my person regularly. This will be fantastic for me! *note: bring Tide pen*

Things have been shaping up for us, but we're always looking for fun and exciting places to visit. Befriend us and comment often!


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