Sunday, May 14, 2017

Moms. I gots lots.

Mother's Day celebrates mothers. For me it celebrates people who are mothers to me and my child. They don't have to necessarily have a child but they have the sense of mind to give sound advice and comfort when needed. Moms come in so many shapes and sizes. They also seem to understand when you need a hug, a good cry, when you need love or in some cases when you need to hear the plain truth. 

I am so lucky. I was a single mom, but I was never alone. I can't even begin to thank the wonderful people in my life for helping me to be a decent mom trying to raise a decent human. Thank you for giving me hard truths when I needed to hear them. Thank you for telling me plainly when I was a big fuck up. Thank you for being there for me and Scout.  I love you more than I can possibly express. Happy Mother's Day,  to my village of strong women . ❤