At this moment a good friend is road-tripping it cross country, from West to East. Following his blog is rekindling my own wanderlust. I have come to realize that I am just not happy unless I am planning adventures. So my head is now filled with potential travels. Until these bucket list vacations can be made a reality, I will just have to be content with local experiences and staycations. There are 70 items on my bucket list, and all but 5 are travel-related.
I don't live large-- I drive a 10-year-old Japanese import, bought my one good purse at an outlet store, and shop at the cheapest grocery store in town. Last month workers in our city, which , of course, includes library employees, took a large pay cut. Next month will be worse. It doesn't bother me that I'm always going to be shopping at discount stores, and have to cut back wherever I can. What does bother me is that I may not be able to make many of my travel dreams a reality.
Of course, this will all change after Colin Firth and I are married.
I don't live large-- I drive a 10-year-old Japanese import, bought my one good purse at an outlet store, and shop at the cheapest grocery store in town. Last month workers in our city, which , of course, includes library employees, took a large pay cut. Next month will be worse. It doesn't bother me that I'm always going to be shopping at discount stores, and have to cut back wherever I can. What does bother me is that I may not be able to make many of my travel dreams a reality.
Of course, this will all change after Colin Firth and I are married.