Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Restless feet

At this moment a good friend is road-tripping it cross country, from West to East. Following his blog is rekindling my own wanderlust. I have come to realize that I am just not happy unless I am planning adventures. So my head is now filled with potential travels. Until these bucket list vacations can be made a reality, I will just have to be content with local experiences and staycations. There are 70 items on my bucket list, and all but 5 are travel-related.

I don't live large-- I drive a 10-year-old Japanese import, bought my one good purse at an outlet store, and shop at the cheapest grocery store in town. Last month workers in our city, which , of course, includes library employees, took a large pay cut. Next month will be worse. It doesn't bother me that I'm always going to be shopping at discount stores, and have to cut back wherever I can. What does bother me is that I may not be able to make many of my travel dreams a reality.

Of course, this will all change after Colin Firth and I are married.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

In a galaxy far, far away....

Emma and Lizzie will embark on a mission to AT&T Park where they will watch the Giants whoop the Arizona Diamondbacks back to their snake hole. They will be dressed in Star Wars garb, for it is Star Wars day at the park.

Pictures and travel goodness will follow!
