We did have a spurt of travel activity in the last couple of weeks. A week ago Sunday Emma took me to lunch in Berkeley for my birthday. We went to HS Lordships on the advice of a co-worker, which is on the water and has a lovely view of San Francisco. It also has a very substantial buffet, and, though I love breakfast foods, I was there for the crab legs. After brunch we headed over the Bay Bridge and kind of wandered aimlessly in the City.
The previous Wednesday saw us driving to Oakland to see The Decemberists in concert. This was my first D's concert, and they were fantastic! I have recently become a fan, and was very happy to see that their Bay Area gig was timed perfectly at the height of my mania. Although the band is still regarded as an "indie" band, their success has recently led to being signed by a major label (Capitol), so they are on the cusp of becoming more mainstream. They are a Portland-based band that have been called a "baroque" or "lit rock" band. Many of their songs are filled with tales of mariners, chimney sweeps, and legionnaires with references to petticoats and pistols, etc. As you can tell by my obsession with English history, they hit all my happy buttons. I am in danger of actually traveling far distances to hear them play again. I've been to numerous concerts, from huge productions for major stars to smaller, more intimate venues. But I don't recall the last time I saw a band work so hard. They performed the new album, Hazards of Love, in its entirety-- and this is a 17-song rock opera where each song segues into the next with no breaks. Then they came back after a short break and played for another hour. Fantastic!!
Anyway, here are a few pics:

This weekend I'm in SoCal visiting family and getting my Disneyland fix. I haven't been here in more than a month, you know. ;)
P.S.-- The Hat not only has extremely yummy pastrami sandwiches, but possibly the best chili cheese fries I have ever consumed.